Let’s start this off on the right foot. God has you exactly where He needs you in this life. I need you to believe this powerful statement. Say it out loud if you must.
I know that you’re probably reading this because you want to receive all that God has for you in this life. You want to be in the perfect will of God and perfect peace in your emotional health.
Today, I’m here to declare that it can happen on this side of eternity. You can have perfect emotions. You can have and receive all that God wants for you. It is possible because nothing is impossible with God.
This inner healing journey will expose, address, and perfect all parts of your heart that aren’t aligned with God’s perfect will. On this journey, you will find the freedom you earnestly desire.
When used properly, the Bible exposes all the lies the enemy has tried to plant inside of you. You will also discover that emotional healing, also called inner healing, can be caused by factors outside your control. You could be a target of spiritual warfare, dulling your senses and more.
1 John 4:4 NLT boldly declares, “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” Meaning that everything that you have experienced can be overcome by God’s mighty Holy Spirit.
There’s nothing in your life that can’t be undone at a moment’s notice. Yes! God is that powerful. Believe me when I say this because I am a living testimony of an overcomer for God.
Walk into this journey with an expectant heart. The power of the Holy Spirit is truly limitless. He has the grace to heal, restore, and fully reconcile all things back into your life. Yes, your life!
Full restoration is not only possible. It is expected! It is your birthright as a child of God. A powerful proclamation from the throne of God to all His sons and daughters.
All you must do is walk out this journey with Him. He’ll unlock the very things holding you back and set you on a path of permanent inner healing. Realigning every emotion that’s not aligned with His will back into perfect alignment! Allowing you to dominate in every area of your life!
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