School of Prophecy

Davids and Deborahs

Welcome to David's and Deborah's School of Prophecy!

Have you ever thought that you were prophetic? Where you knew things before they happened? People call it women's intuition or a man's gut feel.

The Gift of Prophecy is much more than that! It's a Holy Spirit powered gift that allows anyone who walks in that specific gift to meet, listen, and hear God's voice at supernatural levels. 

The Davids and Deborahs School of Prophecy will unlock your inner and latent talents, dramatically improve your relationship with Jesus, and take you to new levels of revelations that will literally transform your life and everyone around you!

Learn YOUR calling

The prophetic is unique to each prophet or prophetess. Some are called to dreamers like Daniel and Joseph. Others like David are singer songwriters prophets. Deborah was a Judge and Leader of Israel before the monarchy was established. Samuel was a seer. John the Baptist was the greatest OT prophet. 
Moses was an archetype of Jesus. Christ is the Greatest Prophet of all.